Tuesday, September 29, 2009

A Few More Days...

..until my surgery, that is. On Friday morning I will be going under the knife and am a bit nervous about the whole thing. It's not that big a deal really, given that it will be done under local anaesthetic, but still... I do hope that this helps in the long term as it will continue to keep me on the sidelines for some time yet.

In other news my right knee continues to hurt. It's been over a month (and that includes a DNS at the Toronto Waterfront Half Marathon that is depressing to say the least) since I've stopped running, but this damned tendinitis lingers on. I've been to the physio and to many massage therapy sessions, and I'd like to say things have improved, but it's more of the one step forward, one step back variety. I'm still optimistic that this will eventually clear up and I plan on getting back to running towards the end of October.

That DNS was a pain in the ass though. Arrrgghhhh!!!

And oh yeah, while rebuilding my laptop I seem to have created an unwanted issue with the network adapter. Wireless still works, but no dice on the Ethernet port. It's been a pain to get this thing working, and no solution seems possible short of performing the whole reinstall process again and hoping that this time I happen upon the magic sequence of installing the multitude of drivers that may solve this issue. Why are laptops such a pain!

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Friday, September 18, 2009

Alright... Time for Another Update

Seeing as I am not running I figured now's the time to do something I've been thinking about doing for about a year or two. I have decided to get some "minor" surgery (if there is such a thing) done on my right leg to clear up circulation issues that I've had for years. Though I've been told that these have nothing to do with my ankle injury, I am not convinced. It seems that the original injury was also the start of these issues, so how can they NOT be related?

Anyway, I have no idea if this will help with the ankle (which, mercifully, has not been a major issue for quite some time), but it needs to get done finally. It will also mean that I will be off the road for a few weeks afterwards, which will add up to almost two months of no running for me. By then the knees should be fully recovered and I can, hopefully, begin to slowly work my way towards building a good base over the course of the Fall and Winter months. Not that much has gone according to plan, but I am keeping my fingers crossed that, come next June, I will have an awesome base and will have been running somewhere in the 40-60km per week range for several months. Then, when I start training for my first marathon, my body will be better prepared for the effort.

It's still a bummer that I can't run, but I am looking and thinking long term. I also have to keep rollerblading, start doing some strength exercises for the legs, and get my membership at the UofT pool renewed so I can start swimming again. I have to keep my weight in check since I've gained 5lbs in the past 2-3 weeks (yikes!). Lots to think about...

I think the hardest thing about this surgery is that I am not allowed to drink ANY coffee for 24 hours prior to the procedure. Nuts!

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Monday, September 14, 2009

Seeking Fun in Other Activities

Although running is not possible, I have been having fun doing other things. Case in point, my youngest turned 5 yesterday. Do you think he was suitably happy with the present?


Thursday, September 10, 2009

Trying not to Wallow...

...in self-pity, that is. As I look at the dark parts on the world map (see sidebar) getting more and more square with each passing day I am envious of this perfect running weather that end of Summer brings. Although I can't run right now, choosing to not inflict any more damage to my crappy knees, I've taken to rollerblading more than ever before. Instead of biking to work I make the 7-8km trek with a set of wheels strapped to my feet. It's been a great change of pace! Sure doesn't feel like a workout or anything, but I'm confident that my glute meds are getting used for perhaps the first time ever. This should lead to a better kinetic chain, and ultimately superior shock absorption for when I do return to running. That's the theory, anyway...

Other than that I've been busy with work and such, and getting the little ones off to their first week of school. Owen starts cross-country tomorrow, and he's been running home with me rollerblading by his side the last couple of days. I hope he has a great experience this year!

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Tuesday, September 8, 2009


Since I haven't been running, I haven't been blogging. The knee(s) (mostly the right one at this point) have forced me to take a major step backwards. Posting on this blog makes it more difficult to not be running, and so that explains why I've dropped out for a while. I am not running yet, though I have seen my physio and have a plan to get back to normal. It may take some time and I am not very hopeful of running the half-marathon later this month (big bummer, that's for sure). My current state of mind can be summarized with the word, "Whatever..."

I have started rollerblading a bit more, and even bladed to work this morning. I hope that this works out the right muscles to get my knee back in form, but I still feel pain below the patella when walking up and down stairs, and definitely when squatting down (as I have to do whilst tying one of my boys' shoelaces and such). I'm also doing more core strength stuff, as well as a bit more upper body weights. I hope to get to leg strengthening exercises once the knee heals because I really think that general weakness in the legs is a large part of the problem. Can't remember the last time I did any sort of lunge, for instance.

I do find it amazing that I've been running with knee tendinitis since February though! What an idiot...

Anyway, I have no idea when I will be running again. Until then I suspect the neglect of this space will continue. What's the point of keeping a running blog journal type thing when there's no running going on?!

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